
OFC is a mid-high elo team from league of legends, that also branches off in to other games including Blackops, PSO:BB, Console games from Emulators and WoW. OFC is already streaming at livestream, creating a website, and wanting to move on to a better stream hosting site. Currently, we rack in an average of 70 viewers, and because of our upcoming tournaments, and random give-a-ways, we are expecting our viewer base to increase.

Official Fun Club Own3d Stream


Patch Preview: | LoL - League of Legends

Sunday, April 24, 2011
Patch Preview: | LoL - League of Legends

Since Morello and Tamat have been so hard at work at Riot HQ, we decided to test out a new format for this Patch Preview. You’ll still have access to the same information as before, but the visual format is a bit different: Now, you’ll be able to watch in-game footage of the champions we reference in action. Let us know in the comments which format you prefer!


Our Blog said...

Good stuff man.

Weirdwhirl said...

I'm glad I watched that video!! I just started again after half a year.

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